Physical Activity

Physical Activity


What is physical activity?

Physical activity is that movement of the body produced by skeletal muscles that leads to energy expenditure above the resting level.

Physical activity is described by the dimensions of frequency, intensity, time and type. 


Why physical activity?

I almost do not like to do physical activity, I am very lazy, and it is important to keep in mind that these exercises bring multiple benefits to have a healthy life and it is time to start including them in my daily life, even if it is not easy and we start to make excuses it is vital for our lives. 

 "The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults should dedicate between 150 and 300 minutes a week to moderate physical activity. "

Types of physical activity 

The three main types of physical activity are aerobic, muscle strengthening and bone strengthening. Balance and flexibility activities are also beneficial. Aerobic activity is the type that most benefits the heart and lungs.

Its benefits

Physical activity has many health benefits. These benefits occur in people of any age, any race, any ethnicity, and any gender.

It is worth noting the difference between physical activity and physical exercise.  Physical activity includes physical exercise, but not only; it also includes other activities that require bodily movement but are performed as part of playtime, work, active forms of transportation, household chores and recreational activities; these are not considered physical exercise since their fundamental objective is not the maintenance of one or more components of physical fitness.

I hope that all of us are encouraged to include physical activity in our lives, that we are not embarrassed if we are older, if we do not know how to do them and if we are alone it does not matter, it allows us to meet new people and friendships, the idea is to start including them in our lives.
